What We Catch


About the Fish We Catch in Lake Michigan

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In Wisconsin waters, wild Chinooks make up 53 percent of the catch

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The Fish

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The Fish We Catch

Rainbow Trout

The Rainbow Trout are the most acrobatic fish in Lake Michigan and are Captain Brent's favorite fish to catch! We typically fish these fish in deep water. You can't beat the way rainbows hit and jump out of the water immediately. This hard-fighting game fish gets its name from the beautiful colors that shine on their skin.

King Salmon "Chinook"

The Chinook Salmon is one of the fastest growing fish in Lake Michigan. In just four years, it can weigh up to 20-30 pounds. This fish is also the strongest fighting fish in the lake. Fishing for the King Salmon can be one of the most exciting things when they hit and scream out line. Once you land your first 20 pound fish with Sunrise Charters you will be hooked for life.

Brown Trout

Brown Trout is another great fish to smoke and can be caught all year long. Ask Captain Brent about winter trips. Milwaukee is one of the world's best locations to catch them.

Coho Salmon

The Coho Salmon is one of the best-tasting fish in Lake Michigan. The action can be fast as you can see in the picture. They run in big schools its not uncommon to sometimes get doubles triples and quads. Fishing for them can be very fun and rewarding with the number of Coho's you will put in the cooler. They are known to bite best from May - July.

Lake Trout

The Lake Trout is the oldest and only native fish in Lake Michigan. They love cold water and typically they lay on the bottom. We use different tactics to catch them. Way different then the we fish for Salmon and Rainbows. They make an outstanding smoked fish.

brown trout caught lake michigan
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